Monday, December 19, 2011

Climbing back up to the Top!

This past week went great. Friday I had a half day of school so I got out at 10:15 am. I got to spend the playing a game. I had work from 4pm till 10pm. During that time I worked open climb and after open climb we had a group of Franks Neighbor Program. Saturday I got to go to my brothers work Open House till 11 which was really cool because I got to see all of the things that he gets builds. The things he builds are really cool because alot of it is over 6 feet tall and 10 feet wide. After open house we headed up to Adventure Rock to climb for the next 5 hours. During this time all of the routes that I did were 5.10s or higher. I did five lead routes, two that were easier to warm up and then three 5.10+ that I fall twice on each time. After a day of climbing i went to the bouldering caves to work on drill there. I completed my second V4 (5.12 ). I am really happy with how climbed today because it is only my second week back in to full climbing and I am climbing the same grade as I did before my accident that set me back a month. Sunday we had a birthday party for one of the kids that is on the climbing team. After the party I had a lifting program which went really well and I'm happy with. During league I worked on a lot of technique to help my body rest from the day before. Monday I worked classes after a meeting at school. Wednesday  we did alot of lead climbing to get me back into that and after we did alot of stretching with the team. Thursday I had club with alot of fun because we have to figure out how our shocks are going to fit to the frame so the car does not hit the ground. Friday after school I went out to finish my fundraiser for our Climb-A-Thon. Once I completed that I went to the Y to help work Teen Night and a program that rented the rock wall. Saturday we had 2 parties in the rockwall after open climb then we headed up to Adventure Rock to get our climb on. While we were at Adventure Rock I had like a fun day so that I could just see where I was in my climbing grades. I was climbing 5.10+ to 5.11s consistantly, that makes me slightly above the grade I was climbing before my addicent.  I am really happy with where I climbing because I am climbing at my best. Sunday I had a lifting program that all my weights were raised alittle. I am benching 80% of my body weight. After my workout we had open climb and then league. During league we had our Climb-A-Thon which was alot of fun because I climbed over 650ft. Monday during school we had a sumo-bot competition in one class and in my other class we are building clocks, I have almost done with mine. All pictures of the past two weeks will be posted on both facebook and flickr. Any vidoes have been added to youtube. Check them out. We did alot of bouldering that is really neat to watch.

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